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Right of entry


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:ph34r: Can anyone help me i have recently bought a shop with flat the shop is fine but the flat has a 24 year lease on it with 10 years left on it the tennant has moved out but wont hand the keys back i have found his new address his reason for not giving the keys back is he says he has sold the lease no one has contacted me regauarding this ?

I bought the property on 14/02/2008 but have been going through with the sale for some time ,

I have contacted the last owners and they say he has not paid rent from 1 st feb 2008 i know this is a short time but he moved out sept paying rent quarterly he has avioded all contact from me .

The lease states that re-entry after 14 days even if not demanded he has been informed of the sale to me by the last owners

is it legal to gain access bearing in mind i have never been inside the flat even though i have requested it .

Is there any difference as the contract is a lease

help what do i do where do i start im new to this :(

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