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Lawful or Unlawful Access?


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I have rented my previous home under a short hold assured tenancy for 12 months with a break clause at months. I served notice at months as the rent was not being paid on time and I feared the debt would accumulate. My fears became a reality because after countless reassurances of payment of overdue rent only minimal payments materialized. I avoided court action and relied on her good nature as I was not wanting to aggravate the Tennant. Following 18months with >£3500 overdue rent I arrived at the property following a tip off from the neighbor that stuff was being moved out. I asked for a her to hand over keys as she had changed locks without prior consent contrary to the lease and removed furnishings. As the door was open I entered the property and looked around, she never refused access but became threatening and abusive when I looked around. She ironically telephoned the police who mediated the situation. I agreed to leave and as she was in the process of moving she agreed to vacate the next day. I was advised to attend the following day with police presence to hand over the keys but she cleared out and seemingly left the premises with the key under a wheelie bin. I have regained access with a number of her possessions in the property, but minus a 3-piece suite. There is a significant amount of damage and missing inventory items I would like to claim damages and rent arrears in CC but would like to know if it could be construed that I entered unlawfully?

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Put your claim in (though don't expect to recover arrears even with an order) and see if she defends it. If it was me I would hope that she does as then you get a hook in to her new address and other personal details etc. Wouldn't worry about trespass as it's arguable in your favour.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have since gained access to the property with minimal ease changing the locks and securing it. I am pursuing my case through the county court but I can see why sime landlords use more unconvential means to recoup their losses. I am tempted to go to the police to report items missing as stolen to ensure I have the correct forwarding address to support my claim.

I realise now that the best vetting is your own intuition.

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