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Credit references


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In the past I have not carried out a credit check on tenants, but now realise that I should be doing this. Does anyone know where I can get this done and how much it costs, is it fair to charge the tenants for this (I would have thought so but I will follow standard practice to enusre that I am fair).

I have found this site that charges £24 per tenant:


They do offer a £6 service but only includes bankcruptcy, CCJ and tenant default search and does not include for 'exiisting credit data analysed' which I would have thought is quite important. The £24 service also verifies their employment, current landlord and ID.


Just found this site:


Which offers this check for £18.74 (if 5 or more checks purchased):

Full referencing Report for agents & private landlords 6 year credit history search.

CCJs & bankruptcy.

Defaults, arrears & repossessions.

Linked address search

Validation of 3 references

Guarantor suitability check

Salary/income verification

Acceptability Score

Identification validation

Post analysis recommendation

Bank account validation

Affordability analysis

Delinquent tenant database search

Rent Guarantee decision

CIFAS fraud avoidance data

Report within 2 business days

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