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Tenant move out


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I have requested my tenant move out and give them notice both verbally and written. They have failed to pay me rent twice now and I had to use the deposit to cover this. Their contract has ran out and I dont have a deposit from him. he said he wont be there and they are not moving out. Am I within my rights to gain access and change the locks? I did make him aware that I was going to do this but he is refusing to move his stuff out.

please help me :wacko:

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You would not be within your rights and likely to find yourself accused of harassment, trespass & unfair eviction. The contract hasn't run out, it's gone periodic. If they won't go, you will need to serve the correct notice and then obtain a court order if they then fail move. Try and recover arrears now cos once they're gone it's probably too late, even with a court judgement.

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1.Search this forum for threads on "debt collectors"

2.revise your ast to include late payment fees etc to protect yourself from this happening again

3. serve s21/8 and then evict

4. DO NOT change locks because if Tenant takes any kind of informed advice you will be in for very expensive trouble

5. read read and re read loads of past discussion on this forum ...particularly advice given by Trenners, Gpel,Pugsy and Rodent and countless others.....

The Rodent

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1.Search this forum for threads on "debt collectors"

2.revise your ast to include late payment fees etc to protect yourself from this happening again

3. serve s21/8 and then evict

4. DO NOT change locks because if Tenant takes any kind of informed advice you will be in for very expensive trouble

5. read read and re read loads of past discussion on this forum ...particularly advice given by Trenners, Gpel,Pugsy and Rodent and countless others.....

The Rodent

thanks for all your help

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