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new landlord needing advice on AST


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Hi am a very novice landlord and need a quick question answered.

Having an AST which expires on June 1st 08 enables me to serve tenants with section 21 notice requiring possession giving 2 months notice and tenants are then obligated to leave without me having to go through the court process, is this correct? thanks.

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My understanding is that you are correct, be carfull of your dates, you need to serve the notice no less than 2 months and 3 day's before you want possession.

When you have served the section 21 the tennant is supposed to move out on the due date, but if they do not you will have to apply to the court for an eviction order, this is when the date upon which you serverd the section 21 will be relevent as it may get thrown out of court if you did not allow 2 or 3 day's for the notice to reach the tennant thus giving the tennant a full 2 months notice.

If u have to go to court it will cost you about £150.00 court fees and the court form filled in in duplicate (not sure which one) then when the court gets around to serving the notice in my case it was about 3 weeks from filing the papers in court, the court will give the Tennant 2 weeks to defend the eviction order if the Tennant does not defend it then you can get a possesion date.

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