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HI all

wondering if anyone can help me on this please.

My tenants tenancy expired on 6/1/08. I served a S21 back in Nov 07 for 2 months which ended in line with the agreement.

The tenants mum pays top up rent for her which stopped in dec07. I asked the mum why it was stopped and why i hadnt had no contact from the tenant and was told that the tenant left her kids 3 weeks before xmas and has not been seen since. I have communicated with the mum over the past few weeks and she has maintained she dont know where the tenant is and i have been there and the place looks empty. I left a letter telling her to conact me as i was taking the house back - nothing - i gave her another week to get her things (if anything there) and no contact. I was going there on saturday to change the lock and take back the house as i beleive its been abandoned and all the relevant notices have been served.

i have received telephone calls today from the brother in law who told me i cant take the house back as she is a sitting tenant - i said no one (inclding the famly) knows where she is but he then said - oh shes in hospital - u cant take the house back when shes in hospital - (i dont beleive thats where she as is she is a drug addict) they want the deposit money back but she is over £900 arrears with rent and the deposit is only £500. The famliy keep breaking in to collect the kids and the tenants things as they havent got a key.(i dont mind them having the stuff back)

is it ok for me to go and change the locks as i do think its abandoned and i know shes not living there?

thanks for any advice


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Too big a question mark for my liking. Your only water tight safeguard is obtaining a court order, which should be straight forward. Then, if empty, go in, change the locks and start again. Don't enter in to discussions with 3rd parties, insist on speaking to the tenant only.

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