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Frequency of rent review when DSS Tennant?


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Hi All[/size]

How often should I review rent on a property that has been tennanted by the same DSS tenant for a number of years , I understand the dss may accept an increase in line with inflation, is this correct, does this mean its an annual thing, i assume you cant just put up rent when you feel like it, so is it at least annually then?Thanks again


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There is a maximum councils will pay. This is from the RLA:

Landlords can now view the local reference rents (LRR) on the website of the Rent Service. LRR is used by local councils to establish housing benefit and allowance.

The website gives the figures for each quarter and can be accessed at


This follows a campaign by George Ferard, director of large residential landlords Cleveland Homes Ltd, who applied to the Information Commissioner for the figures to be made public. Rebuffed by the Rent Service in his demand to be given the figures for Stockton on Tees, Ferard wrote to the Information Commissioner in June 2006. He complained: “Secrecy for its own sake seems to be deeply ingrained in the mystical culture of the Rent Service.â€

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Also just remember if you put the rent up and the council decide not to pay it you will have to chase the tenant and from past expirence I know this can be differcalt if the tenant has being having all the rent paid in the past by the council. I have since found out it is best to speak to the council first cos they have a set time of the year to pay any increases and if you miss it the tenant will have to pay extra untill it comes round next year. So as long as the increase is fair do it about a month before the set date. Works for me lest hassel

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