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Tenant Information when using a LA


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As a brand new LL (as of today), I'm using a LA for this first time whilst I learn the ropes.

The tenancy only began today but am I also right in thinking the LA is at some point soon supposed to supply me with a copy of the Agreement between themselves and the tenants?

As it is, I have only been provided with the tenants name, verbal assurance that the checks came through okay and the circumstances of their relocation because of work transfer.

The LA also advised that the tenants hold Pet Insurance which covers for damage caused by their dog. What exactly would this cover and, as LL, am I within my rights to expect a copy of this insurance paperwork as well?

Whilst I appreciate the LA's role is to take care of all the paperwork etc, I'm feeling a bit in the dark since as of this evening my other property is occupied by people I know almost zero about. I haven't received any paperwork from the LA in respect of the tenants, just the Letting Agreement and Management Information Forms.

Thanks in anticipation and please don't baptise me in fire if, in your opinion, I have so far acted naively lol.

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In my view you are intitaled to a copy of all paperwork. I have some L/L's who want it and some who dont, if they do they get the full pack it makes no differance to me. The only reason I can see the LA not wanting to pass it over would be because they havent done what they said were going to do in regards to checks etc

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One further thing to add is that it's unlikely that the agreement is between the LA and the tenant, the LA sets it up on your behalf unless the LA is your tenant and then sub-letting to the occupant, in which case you have need to see even more paperwork. The most important documents are terms of business, TA and schedule of condition as these affect what now happens from hereon, not what's already occured if you get my drift.

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