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Difference of opinion over check-in Inventory


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I have recently let out a brand new flat thats never been let before to tenants via a letting agent who found tenants (LA not managing property).

The agent prepared a check-in Inventory report and condition marking everything as ‘new’ and passed over to tenant to check and comment.

However, when I received this Inventory after the tenants had checked it I was surprised to see they’d marked almost everything as satisfactory. [The marking system was New, Good, Satisfactory, Poor] They had made numerous comments saying there’s cracked plaster in places, mark on wall, could not work thermostat as no book left. It’s as if they went round with a fine magnifying glass looking for flaws.

Let me point out they are an elderly couple so perhaps require more help than the ‘standard’ tenant..if theres such a thing…..

Upon their move in they found one radiator in second bedroom and intercom not working, I got the radiator sorted in a couple of days through the on-site electrician. But they couldn’t fix the intercom same day as they suddenly had another priority call whereby some flat had no heating at all.

The Inventory has been sent back to me from LA to check and keep (as they are not managing it –I am). The bathroom, fixtures and fittings for example, are in pristine sparkling condition yet they’ve marked everything as ‘satisfactory’ from the agents originally ‘new’ condition. They are probably doing it to protect themselves and deposit (which is with agent).

What should I do to convince the T that the property is brand new and as such the condition is nothing but ‘new’ and should not be described as satisfactory.

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Write back to your tenants, thank them for taking the time & effort to complete their thorough check of the property, explain that you think their copy was incorrectly marked as satisfactory where it the annotation of new was correct and that if they do not think the items were brand new and in excellent condition could they explain why to help you understand their thinking on this as it is important agreement is reached on the condition at the start of the tenancy. Ultimately, protect yourself by being able to prove brand new if asked and possible. Give a more detailed explanation of the marking structure eg satisfactory means used but serviceable.

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  • 4 weeks later...


If you had an inventory that was not limited to 5 descriptions you could have avoided this situation. In all properties new and old it's impossible to find them in perfect flawless condition. Therefore it might be useful using terms on the inventory report like Fair wear and tear, settlement cracks, damage consistent with age, superficial marks/scratches etc. That way the damage is noted but it's described in a way that states it's normal. Describing everything as new will make the tenants think that you could take advantage at the end of tenancy, hence them opting for satisfactory.

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