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Tenant want to leave before end of AST!


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If my tenants want to leave 2 months before the end of their 12 month AST, do I have the right to demand they complete their tenancy obligation, i.e. pay rent for remainder of term of AST?

I have recently asked to increase the rent in keeping with similar properties in the area, them having had cheap rent for second year running. Can I do this part way through or ONLY at the end of the 12 month period?

Many thanks for your help!

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Doesn't your agreement refer to rent increases? If not, you cannot increase it within the fixed period and then only annually. Look for replacement tenants soonest and end your current tenants obligation when new ones found or the agreement expires, whichever's the sooner.

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Thanks for your advice. My tenancy agreement doesnt have a clause on rent increase, so I'll have to change the rent at the end of the fixed term. But can you tell me whether tenants are allowed to leave before the end of term of their AST? Many thanks in advance.

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T can leave any time they like ......you are not allowed to lock them in !!

BUT they remain financially responsible for prop as per ast ....In general with this situation it os accepted that LL will try to relet prop asap with t paying for relet costs and rent up to ponit where flst is relet or fixed period (ast) ends ...just as gpel said !


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Thanks Simon! Thats kind of you to help. I'm taking on another property soon, which I'm looking to buy in London.......people think I'm crazy as there's speculation about prices falling. I'm buying below what the market value is.....as an experienced property owner what's your feeling about buy to lets in the current market?

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All good......as long as your figures stack up ! ...and you have built in "intrinsic val" opportunity to also increase val of prop , rent etc and can cope financially with voids and rate rises all figured in ...and new legislation costs ...!!

Me ....still buying !!! the right ones ! got several "silly " offers in as we speak !


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