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resident landlord v nightmare tenant

Charlie Brown

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Need some really good advice concerning 'the flatmate' please. To summarise, the flatmate signed a tenancy agreement for 1year from the 28th January 2007. with a six month get out clause. In August I verbally informed her that her contract would not be renewed in January. A formal letter followed in October. She leaves piles of clothes in the comunal living area which I have had to move to her room. She says that I have broken the law by entering her room. Is this true? She is claiming that I am making her life hell, but I know she is making my life hell! is there anyway I can get rid of her before Jan 08. I have been really patient, but I am now at the end of my rope. She is delibrately being difficult and in turn is making living in my own home a miserable experience for me. Is there anyway I can give her the boot sooner rather than later?

I am desperate.


ps. thanks in advance

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What sort of tenancy agreement was signed? If you used an AST it shouldn't have been and not valid as such. If it's a contractual agreement or license and there are breeches then give notice and tell her she's to leave. Hopefully, you've there's no lock on her door as this may constitute a bed-sit and complicates things.

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What sort of tenancy agreement was signed? If you used an AST it shouldn't have been and not valid as such. If it's a contractual agreement or license and there are breeches then give notice and tell her she's to leave. Hopefully, you've there's no lock on her door as this may constitute a bed-sit and complicates things.

It is a AST - so maybe I am in luck yippee! Also having gone through the AST which may actually be invalid a clause which we both signed and agreed to had been added. the clause says that the contract can be broken after 6 months subject to a 2 months notice. I gave her a verbal notice in August, followed by a letter in October. (The delay was because she cried!) Anyway the date given to leave was the 28th January 08. Would I now be able to move her out immediatley? I just need to be confident that there will be no legal implications. Thank you.


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What sort of tenancy agreement was signed? If you used an AST it shouldn't have been and not valid as such. If it's a contractual agreement or license and there are breeches then give notice and tell her she's to leave. Hopefully, you've there's no lock on her door as this may constitute a bed-sit and complicates things.

I have looked into this a bit more and have found that a common law tenancy should have been signed for a lodger and resident landlord. Is this true? So, if the ASt is not valid would that mean that she has no leg to stand on? so could I give her 24 hours notice? :P



ps very excited about the possiblitiy that I could be free from this brat very soon!

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