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Txt Msg


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I often get viewing enquiries via txt msg when I advertise properties to rent. Often saying ring me bk

However I take the view that if they can’t afford the call they cant afford the property and I ignore them.

I also make all viewers call me to confirm viewing 30 mins before or I don’t bother going.

Am I being harsh, or justifiable and not wasting my time.


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You are right to consider strategies to avoid time wasters. It's a sad reflection of society that some/many think it's OK to make an appointment and not have the decency to turn up or cancel beforehand. I had one who I cancelled the appointment because they didn't get back to confirm. She called later to say they'd be there the following w/e and I didn't need to check again. Guess what, she didn't turn up. However, I'm not sure those txting you to call them back is because they can't afford the call. It might be they have also experienced let-downs after leaving messages and no-one getting back to them. They may also take the view that if you're too tight to call back what would it be like if there are repairs that need attention.

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I often get viewing enquiries via txt msg when I advertise properties to rent. Often saying ring me bk

However I take the view that if they can’t afford the call they cant afford the property and I ignore them.

I also make all viewers call me to confirm viewing 30 mins before or I don’t bother going.

Am I being harsh, or justifiable and not wasting my time.


i am with you on the text messages, i hate them with a passion, you busy at work, your phone beeps, you reply it beebs again and so on, ffs just phone and talk like normal people,

rant over :)


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i am with you on the text messages, i hate them with a passion, you busy at work, your phone beeps, you reply it beebs again and so on, ffs just phone and talk like normal people,

rant over :)


BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT the reason the text is because the phones is always engaged.

Phone is a business expense.

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I'm not convinced about this Text message thing. Some people are shy on the phone, are not that good at communicating, getting their questions across etc. If they say I haven't got credit, then fair enough.

Also I prefer it as it is much easier to reply to, than having to listen to voicemail and jot a number down.

Regarding people not showing up, this is very annoying and I have had 2 occurences this month where I had 6 viewings booked on each occasion and none turned up!

Even more annoying, one of those nights was Haloween night, so each time the door rang I thought it was going to be a prospective tenant, but no..... lots of kids, unhappy when I say I have no gifts. Luckily none of them had eggs!

I always try and arrange lots of viewings in an hour period, so if some don't turn up it isn't too annoying.


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I always like it when a potential tenant sends me a text message; it is rather a good indication of there level of intelligence for one.

Potential Tenant A

"Hiya, can i arrange a veiwin ov the flat u hav 2 let plz? ring bk plz"

Potential Tenant B

"Hi there, I was wondering if you would be able to call me back please so that I can organise a viewing on your flat to let"

Which would you bother to ring back and which would be less likely to call. 1st impressions can be a rather nice thing these days, and taking the time to at least construct a message that is readable and also one that seems to come from a 12-year-old child. It’s a no brainier not to use this so-called L33tSp3ak in a message to them.

Text message's from a tenant, it is more than just a message; it is a tenant IQ test @ the same time :)

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Dont get that many texts !!

For a very good reason .....I run lots of classified advertisng for various businesses and have one Landline dedicated (on permanent divert) to my mobile as missed calls can cost a lot of money !

I do include my mobile no on some ads as people "think" phone may not be answered after 5pm ....

I dislike texting with a passion !!! but i think a lot of this is a generation thing ...we are all getting to old !!! the youngsters use it as a primary method of comms ...so when I get a text i immediately reply with a phone call ...and start interviewing .......

As for viewings .....99% i book to the office then go out to do the viewing from there ....(but mine are all within 2 miles !!) the ones that aren't i do exactly as Oliver does and request phone call 30 mins b4 ...if they dont call me, i call them ...if no ans ...i dont get off my butt!


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Personally, I don't see the point in offering a means of communication for a possible business transaction and then ignoring it. I would consider adding no texts please in the advert if that was the case and then definately ignore anyone sending messages. Have learnt from experience not to be too judgemental about texts or otherwise before speaking to and meeting someone.

Whenever anyone has missed an appointment and wants another, I advise them there is a £25 missed appointment charge payable before a second appointment, 100% deductable from the first month's rent if they then apply for the property after 2nd appointment.

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I always like it when a potential tenant sends me a text message; it is rather a good indication of there level of intelligence for one.

Potential Tenant A

"Hiya, can i arrange a veiwin ov the flat u hav 2 let plz? ring bk plz"

Potential Tenant B

"Hi there, I was wondering if you would be able to call me back please so that I can organise a viewing on your flat to let"

Which would you bother to ring back and which would be less likely to call. 1st impressions can be a rather nice thing these days, and taking the time to at least construct a message that is readable and also one that seems to come from a 12-year-old child. It's a no brainier not to use this so-called L33tSp3ak in a message to them.

Text message's from a tenant, it is more than just a message; it is a tenant IQ test @ the same time ;)

I totally agree with roppa, it helps if the landlord and tenant speak the same language!

However it is an age thing and which perhaps exlains why I am only a very small part time landlord.

Perversely, I am sure a young trendy Landlord would think twice if he received a grammaticaly and well spelt text, correctly thinking that the prospective tenant is a potential pedantic problem in the making!!!

What do you younger landlords think?


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I'm not sure what age "young" is, but I am 27 and I think it is difficult to determine whether somebody would make a good tenant that pays promptly by a text.

I rent on a room by room basis, so I have to try and think if they would fit in as well. Usually if I think I would not be keen on living with a person I would not want to rent the room to them.

People that I am wary of are mainly "chavs" and those that can only communicate by way of rapping. I am probably this way because I have friends like this and I know getting money out of them is never going to happen.

I have only been in this business for just over a year, but so far have found that on the whole europeans make much better tenants than English born tenants, both in rent payment and cleanliness.

Anyway, interesting topic.

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