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What to do with problem tenants?

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I am amazed at the advice give to Landlords on this site when they are having problems with tenants.

Reading some of the "waffle" written, landlords are going to get into a right mess trying to fill in section 8 and section 21 forms.

Evicting tenants is a messy business,and if you make any mistakes on the forms you will be right back to square one.In most cases you have waited 2 months for your hearing date and you will lose lots of money.

Why on earth would landlords want to take this risk ? this is not a DIY product.

If your boiler packs up you call a plumber,if fuses go you need an electrician.

If you have a bad tenant,call an expert.

Johnathan www.landlordaction.co.uk

(there are other companies like us that offer this service)

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How many irishmen does it take to change a light bulb ???!!!!!!!

A S21 has about 4 lines to fill in ........with name, add and dates .....how difficult can you make it ???

If you can fill in a child tax credit or working family tax application form or even fill the details in for your AST then you can prob cope with s21 and s8

if not ...no problem just stump up a grand and let someone else do it for you !!!!


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I am amazed at the advice give to Landlords on this site when they are having problems with tenants.

Reading some of the "waffle" written, landlords are going to get into a right mess trying to fill in section 8 and section 21 forms.

Please be more specific ....which bits do you feel are "waffle" which seems to imply "bad advice" ...please identify so as we are all more efficient in our quest...

Evicting tenants is a messy business,and if you make any mistakes on the forms you will be right back to square one.In most cases you have waited 2 months for your hearing date and you will lose lots of money.

Please advice on how to avoid this .......s21 is a 2 month notice ?

Why on earth would landlords want to take this risk ? this is not a DIY product.

Which risk ? .......putting the wrong date ?

If your boiler packs up you call a plumber,if fuses go you need an electrician.

I think most people are capable of changing a fuse, also changing a tap washer ?

If you have a bad tenant,call an expert.

And your mortgage advisor (you may need some help to pay the bill !) ........Or just read the label on the tin !

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I agree with Simon on this one

Why pay an average of £1000 a time to use a “Professional” when you can do it yourself easily and simply.

As Simon says completing a S21 is only a name address and date in the right format.

Admittedly a section 8 is more difficult and there are no guarantees unless mandatory ground such as 8 weeks arrears.

I have not used a solicitor for the last couple of years and have not only successfully evicted my own tenants but also assisted others to do so.

I think Jonathan that you could contribute to this site better if you gave good detailed and helpful responses to queries raised rather than using the site to blatantly advertise your services.

This would in turn have a positive effect on your status and maybe landlords reading the threads on this forum may in the future consider using your services.

An example of this is plym77, I for one have been impressed by her detailed and free advice and as such I have had professional consultations with a branch of her company.

Like I explain to tenants respect is earned.


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