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Adding another tenant


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My tenant, who is to marry before Christmas, would like to move his new wife in. Do I need to credit check his wife and draw up a new agreement ( his expires in 12 months). His new wife is coming from abroad, therefore credit checks could be difficult to do. I am very pleased with my tenant, no problem with paying rent, he has a good job and can afford to rent without the income of his wife. Can I ignore the fact that she is moving in to save paperwork? :blink:

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Hi Collette

Can I ask?

If your present T has 12 months remaining, what did you sign him in for initially?

I only ask because you say you have no problem with him paying rent on time etc. so you must have signed in for longer than this.

You need to sign a new agreement here, why not just do a joint Tenancy agreement for 6 months and see how it goes, let this run periodic and manage it from there.

Personally and professionally i'd never sign ANYONE in for longer than 6 months, circumstances change!!!

With regard to the 'credit checking', yes you are going to struggle with this so talk to the initial T and suggest that you will allow his fiancée onto the agreement with maybe an extra month rent up front when the agreement starts.

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Hi Collette

Personally and professionally i'd never sign ANYONE in for longer than 6 months, circumstances change!!!

Really ?!

So what if prof person has a 12 month contract of employment ?

or students want house for academic year ?

or like this couple they seem to want a long term home ?

or someone "needs" a house for 6-12 months ?

Thats quite a lot of prospective T you are going to loose ...not to mention having to pay twice to insure dep ...

There are occasions when 6 mths is better than 12 and vice versa ......bit narrow minded and shortsighted to completely rule this out ......dont you think?


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Really ?!

Yes Really.

So what if prof person has a 12 month contract of employment ?

I'd sign them in for 6, see how they are and then another 6 following that

or students want house for academic year ?

See above post

or like this couple they seem to want a long term home ?

or someone "needs" a house for 6-12 months ?

Again see above response

Thats quite a lot of prospective T you are going to loose

I disagree, I haven't lost any Tenants that initially wanted a 12 month contract once I explained that it cuts both ways. They have to get to know me and I them.

...not to mention having to pay twice to insure dep ...

Well you know my views on this, protect it for FREE and then it wouldn't cost (plus I thought you charged T for this anyway so why worry?)

There are occasions when 6 mths is better than 12 and vice versa ......bit narrow minded and shortsighted to completely rule this out ......dont you think?

Me? Short sighted and Narrow Minded? haha, You have no idea!!

Once a Tenant has 'proved' themselves over 6 months I'd 'consider' a longer term contract. 12 months is a long time trying to evict someone that hasn't, so i'm sticking to my rule for now. Works for me.

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hi rodent

I must say i normally agree with most of your posts but on the points of 6 & 12 month contracts I can honestly say not one of my tenants has asked for or turned down a property because I only do 6 month contracts at start. I have lots on perodic (some for 1-2 years) and some i renew but i dont do students (yet) my view may change then.

I wouldnt rule out a 12 month at start if asked I suppose you would take everyone on their own merits but havent been asked yet.


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Clearly Horses for course ....rooms in HMO are 90 % 6 mth starters, but for students i have never done a 6 mth ast

1. because i dont want the prop empty in the middle of the academic year and

2. because nor do the students want to be moving mid term!

I get lots of contractors on various terms anything from 6 weeks to 12 mths and accomadate most on required terms ...

I had one guy computer contractor who wanted a 3mth contract , he is from india and a lovely chap....he has now been with me for 3 and half years ...the best part is that the co he works for run a rolling training program and he has brought me around 20 tenants who stay anything from 3mths to 12 months, one of those T also settled here and has taken a 2 bed flat for his family ,

also i do work with an agency in London, housing their Locums for contract terms (ast's with individuals not co lets) these guys are anything fom 6weeks to 12 months, so if i was rigid with 6 month starters it would loose me a small fortune .........

Happy to agree most LL / LA will stay rigid........

leaving the more flexible LL to do some creative and very profitable deals !!!!

As pointed out above i will do 3 mths instead of 6 as well ....clearly as most LL WONT i am able to:

1.charge more for short term periods !

2.demand full payment up front !

BUT some one will Scream they are entitled to stay 6 mths .....Bxxxxy Marvellous then why would i want them to leave!!!? very often their contracts are extended so they book in another 3 months (Yep , at the more expensive rate !!)

I even get people calling for accom for just 2 nights when there are big concerts, rugby matches etc in Cardiff .....you wont believe the premiums you can charge for these "very short stays" have only done this a few times as i am always nervous of "damage" and "hassle factor" but have taken Large dep to cover .....

Rigid 6 mth is not for me, although it does of course have its place !!!

Gareth never say "NEVER" !!!

unless it is in a more suitable context like "one can never have enough experience" ............!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

Now taking cover !


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Clearly Horses for course ....rooms in HMO are 90 % 6 mth starters, but for students i have never done a 6 mth ast

1. because i dont want the prop empty in the middle of the academic year and

2. because nor do the students want to be moving mid term!

I get lots of contractors on various terms anything from 6 weeks to 12 mths and accomadate most on required terms ...

I had one guy computer contractor who wanted a 3mth contract , he is from india and a lovely chap....he has now been with me for 3 and half years ...the best part is that the co he works for run a rolling training program and he has brought me around 20 tenants who stay anything from 3mths to 12 months, one of those T also settled here and has taken a 2 bed flat for his family ,

also i do work with an agency in London, housing their Locums for contract terms (ast's with individuals not co lets) these guys are anything fom 6weeks to 12 months, so if i was rigid with 6 month starters it would loose me a small fortune .........

Happy to agree most LL / LA will stay rigid........

leaving the more flexible LL to do some creative and very profitable deals !!!!

As pointed out above i will do 3 mths instead of 6 as well ....clearly as most LL WONT i am able to:

1.charge more for short term periods !

2.demand full payment up front !

BUT some one will Scream they are entitled to stay 6 mths .....Bxxxxy Marvellous then why would i want them to leave!!!? very often their contracts are extended so they book in another 3 months (Yep , at the more expensive rate !!)

I even get people calling for accom for just 2 nights when there are big concerts, rugby matches etc in Cardiff .....you wont believe the premiums you can charge for these "very short stays" have only done this a few times as i am always nervous of "damage" and "hassle factor" but have taken Large dep to cover .....

Rigid 6 mth is not for me, although it does of course have its place !!!

Gareth never say "NEVER" !!!

unless it is in a more suitable context like "one can never have enough experience" ............!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

Now taking cover !


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Thank you for your replies to my question re: adding another tenant.

I am not an experienced landlord and am now wondering if I have made a big mistake by agreeing to an 18 month contract.

I was having trouble letting the property so agreed to this contract as the tenant wanted me to remove some large pieces of furniture. The long contract will compensate for the loss of the furniture which I removed as I don't have to risk the tenant deciding not to renew after 6 months and then having to pay agents and possibly further loss of income if I again have trouble letting the property. The tenant has rented for approx 6 months now, came with good references and has been a good tenant.

I wonder from one reply in particular if I have put myself in a more vulnerable position by agreeing to an 18 month contract - or is the eviction process the same whatever the length of tenancy?

Is there general agreement amongst you that I will need to rewrite the contract when the new tenant arrives, also does the present tenant have to agree to a change of contract?


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New wife coming to new country.

Get him to sign an amended AST and indicate its to ensure everything is correct and he can use if he is opening a bank account in her name etc.

Thing to remember is that new wife could become old wife if he screws up the accomm as she may not be working and at home.

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Hi Collette

I would have a chat with T and make it clear that a new ast will need to be done to include his wife (as she will be resident at property) discuss how long he/they would like it to be for ....... if you have an ast in place which has 12 months to run i would simply replace it with a new ast with both names on it for the same period ...i have never written an ast for longer than 12 mths but have written them to run back to back (which is effectively the same thing ) except the second one will have a higher rent on it !

In this case would do 12 mth(if you are happy with him as a T ) with the understanding that as long as both parties happy it can go periodic or fresh ast after this ......(assuming you want to keep it let long term!)


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12 months is a long time trying to evict someone that hasn't

Don't know about that ...but what i do know is that

1.DC will have sorted sit out long b4 this ...and

2.The only reason to evict is going to be non payment of rent which i believe can be sorted after T is 2 mths not paid

which in reality means after 5 weeks NOT 12 mths ........

Works for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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"Rigid 6 mth is not for me, although it does of course have its place !!!

Gareth never say "NEVER" !!!"

I actually have done shorter 3 month contracts aswell (again with all monies up front as you said) but i meant that I don't "like" doing longer than 6 months for my initial reasons.

Should a LL wish to take someone on a longer term then that's their choice and of course I'd go along with it as they are the customer, but i'd certainly be suggesting that they start on a 6 month contract with a view to extending it to a 12 month one once we all happy with our lot!

What I also guess that sells the idea more to LL's is that I don't charge them for re writing the new AST after the initial contract expires, for them or the T. (Everybody else does!)

I'm more than happy to keep my customers rolling on than hitting them with extra hidden charges through the agreement, but that's another thread I guess!

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"unless it is in a more suitable context like "one can never have enough experience" "

You are so right Simon, (can't hear myself saying that too many times! hehe)

Can't imagine for one minute we'll ever hear YOU say this, though i'm happy to!

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