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What is wrong with my agent!!


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I am starting to think I need to get a new agent. For my cheapest 2 properties, we have a managing agent, a proper(but rubbish) chain. The last 3 tenants that we have gone through were (1) delinquent payers, (2) party animals who trashed the flat and in the last case did a runner owing arrears. The threat of debt collectors on all has worked and at the moment there are no arrears, only voids, which in my book is better. One flat I have had enough of and am selling. Now, given the stress and inconvenience to us and the extra workload on the agency staff in chasing and admin, I would have thought the agency would start doing their jobs a bit better. I told them that as well as their referencing procedure, I would also ref. through rentchecks.com to be sure. They said fine, we've got a great tenant, she's really nice and wants to move quick, great I say, what are her details. Blah, blah, blah, she's only got one CCJ, a little one, she assures me it's nothing, they say. :(

What is wrong with these people! I daren't trust them with my other properties. Is it time to call it a day on the agency, or are CCJ's something I have to live with?

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I think you should go elsewhere, the referencing is your first and most important defense, they cannot be doing this correctly.

Obviously you can do all this yourself or you should be able to find a LA that do a tenant only finding service but check out their charges as I've found, in the past, they can range from 2 weeks to one months rent


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The threat of debt collectors on all has worked and at the moment there are no arrears, only voids, which in my book is better.

Hooray !!!!!!!!!

you mean ....it works ???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

I would be changing agency quick smart .....what area are the props in Pugsy cos you getting all the "wrong" T's???

NO POINT in referencing twice just insist proper refs are done by them first time round ....have convinced 3 or 4 locals to change their ref proceedure ...using proper ref co ...which is actually cheaper easier more in depth and less time consuming ....if they wont play ball then move to another agent !

Or take the T with a fully ref A1 Guarantor !!!!!


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Thanks for your comments, it's made my mind up. I didn't think this was normal, I'm definantely changing agents then, while there's a lull... My Marina and Mumbles properties are all AOK but town centre (Swansea) gives me no end of trouble - obviously attracting the wrong crowd or my soon-to-be-ex-agent is. Thankfully they were cheap, so hopefully can offload with bit of profit to ease my nerves! Unfortunately I do need an agent though, otherwise I'd do it all myself, but still away suffering the sun in Spain.

Yes, re the DC; I took your advice Simon and having been to court once and not wishing to repeat the experience, the threat of the DC and all associated costs really does make an impact. Strange how the minds of some work isn't it!

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Oh dear,

well (from an agents point of view) I'd be selling MY services to you because there's obviously not a great deal of competition to perform much better than this one by the sounds of it.

Fully referenced is a MUST but this agent hasn't obviously got the knack of using their gut feeling about tenants.

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You are so right, there's alot to be said about gut feelings (of which theirs have proven to be pants) but a proper reference and credit check is commons sense isn't it. For the nominal cost of an online refs. company, it's probably cheaper, quicker and more thorough than them doing it inhouse. Well, their days are numbered...

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Inhouse references are great as long as you do them properly.

With the online ones they can sometimes take a little longer getting employer refs etc because they don't always use 'all' routes to obtain such refs.

Occasionally this 'extra' time can sometimes lose you a tenant.

If you do it correctly and explore all avenues (i.e. e-mailing or faxing for a reference instead of sending out a request in a 2nd class letter) you can generally get someone ref'd in a few days.

Any person who can't 'judge' a tenant almost immediately shouldn't be allowed to work in this field and like you, other LL's will soon wise up to the poor management and this agent will go under.

Kick this agent into touch and find yourself someone who does it properly.

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on the agent front . . . . .

Local agent to here has 300 managed properties,

I have NEVER heard one Tenant OR LL say one good word about them . . . . . .

Why do they all stay?? :wacko:

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and you wanna . . .. . . . .

actually the new kid on the block is getting rave reviews mate (I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true)

it's just getting the name out there I guess. . .

I have the time so i'm muchly confident in our service, the rats will jump the sinking ship sooner or later!!

Did I just call LL's rats?? haha

just a figure of speech (on the whole anyway) :wacko:

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