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Documents required from new tenant?

Reiki Sue

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I seem to be having a field day - my current tenant is going by 1/11 at my request. The new tenant i had lined up is from Pakistan. He gave me 'perfect' answers to my questions, except when i asked about seeing his passport. He said it was at the Home Office for extending his visa. I said did he have a copy of it and he said no and his workplace had never asked for a copy (which i find strange having worked in HR). So we agreed that he would get a letter from his solicitor to confirm the situation. Well today he said he had a colour scanned copy of it but was told by his solicitor that i could see it but not have a copy. I said i wanted to take a copy of it. So now he has pulled out of moving in (no written agreement was made and i'm not unduely worried about loosing him). I am going with my gut instinct and felt that something wasn't right here. What do you all think?

So my question is what documentation do you ask for and keep copies of? Was i right or wrong in insisting on having a copy of it? A friend of mine says he keeps copies in case they need it if a crime etc is committed etc.

So far i think i need:

1) Employers reference - is this just to confirm they work there and that the employer knows of no reason not to give them lodgings - or are there other wordings & info that i need to know? Can you ask for details about their salary?)

2) Previous landlord's reference if possible

3) ID - passport (to see or copy???)

4) Deposit in cash (or cheque? what do you tend to ask for?)

5) Rent (in cash or cheque? what do you ask for?)

6) Signed agreement

Please advise - i've had tenants for 10 years but the last two and this one have thrown my confidence.


Reiki Sue x

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HI Sue

Save yourself the trouble and use an expert ...........www.tenantref.co.uk

who, for around £20 (which i charge the tenant) will confirm

1 id

2 employment status (ft pt permenant temporary and length of contract)

3 salary

4 credit check

5 previous LL ref

6 give you a suggested credit limit for them

ref app form will give you payroll no bank details former LL etc

then use a "Tenant details form" to record

1 name

2 previous add

3 tel no (mob work next of kin and 2 others ...just ask most will give !)

4 NI no

5 get copy of passport or D/L or at very least work photo id card

6 next of kin name add tel (Home work mob)

7 a note of car reg no

and anything else that comes your way !

Personally not too worried about how they pay as long as funds are "cleared" before keys are handed over and they move in ..!

as for what copies to keep the more the better !!!!!!!!

Okay so some paranoid numpties may be convinced you are going to nick their id .......the choice is yours wether to accept or not !

Gut instinct is ALWAYS a consideration.....


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