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Landlord evicted by tenant !!!!!


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I have a friend who owns a small block of five flats and he lives on the ground floor.

He is a lovely retired chap who never has a bad word for anybody.

One of his tenants who has not paid any rent for 3 months got hold of my friend by the throat and pinned him up against the wall. He then said that if he asked him for the rent again he would smash up the building. He then said that if he went to the police he would accuse him of being sexually inappropriate with his girl friend. He then proceeded to punch the wall making a hole to make his point.

The tenant in questions is a night club bouncer and my friend is really scared.

I only found out when he rang me asking for a flat as he wanted to move out of his own as he did not feel safe any more. Of course I have given him the best property I have at half the normal rent.

I have offered to help him evict his tenant but he does not want to do anything until after he has moved.

I feel at a loss at his despair if any of you have any ideas I would be grateful


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Nasty one..

One for the police maybe ....certainly this guy cannot be allowed to get away wih this .....i would get him out asap you know my system DC ,charges etc but definately with S21 S8 backup in this case, and hopefully police help ....them your friend can move back in once he has gone ...

This sounds like a proper bully and i would afford him no slack ..


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  • 2 weeks later...
Speak to cops and get them onside.

Bouncers have to be council registered and any hassle or assault charges gets them booted of it.

A sympathethic copper may talk the matter into his own hands and deal directly with the A554ole.

Course I could be really evil and suggest call the cops and say he is selling drugs from the flat. Get LL to call and let them deal, he may not be but will be up to something dodgy so let the cops chase him down.

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  • 1 month later...


Just to give you all an update on this thread.

I gave the fellow landlord an apartment for a few weeks as he did not feel safe at home.

I then served both section 8 and section 21 docs on the tenant with a witness. The tenant signed the receipts and accepted the notices in person.

I had to go away, on my return I was informed that the tenant had moved out and even returned the keys to a neighbour. The landlord has moved back but now wants to sell up and retire.

He was so scared that he refused to report all incidents inflicted by his tenant to the police and was even reluctant to serve notice for fear up repercussions.


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Hi Oliver

Glad you managed to remove the rot ..

but sad that LL feels this way ....but at the end of a bad week must say i do have thoughts if calling auction house and calling it a day !! (prob once every week !! ....but thankfully wake up next day refreshed and ready to rock and roll again ...being a LL ...NOT for for the feint hearted!!!in anyway ...but guess all reading this already know that already!!!)


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