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northern rock..anyone have a mortgage with them?


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I just took out a mort with northern rock this June...was so happy with their non 0845/70 contact number and their flexible deal..and their customer services...it was a dream....now...i am wondering where i stand

anyone else with them,,,and what is in store for us..?? :P

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I have had my BTL mortgage with Northern Rock for several years and am fixed until January 2008 so if I move before that I will have a early redemption fee.

I do not know what is in store, and I think that all the people who are drawing out their savings are probably making matters worse, however, Northern Rock do have the backing of the Bank of England, and if the worse comes to the worse then another bank will take over the lending from Northern Rock.

So I for one will be sticking with them for now, but that is just my personal choice.


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