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Guest MortgageBroker

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Guest MortgageBroker

4.84% Fixed to 31/10/2008 flat fee £1,500.00 rental 125% of Pay rate LTV 85% Redemption Penalty 5%

4.99% Discounted for 2 years Fee 2.5% Rental 100% RP6%

4.99% 2 year fix to 90%LTV Rental 115% fee 2.5% RP 6% 2 year tie in

5.28% 2 YEAR FIXED TO 85% LTV 125% Rental at 5% fee 2.5% no RP tie ins

5.29% 2 YEAR FIXED FEE 2.5% Rental 110% RP5%

5.55% fixed to 31/10/2008 Flat fee £699.00 Rental 125% of 5% Pay Rate RP8%

5.79% To 31/10/10 3 year fix fee 2.00% Rental 125% of Pay Rate RP 5%

6.19% 2 year fix to 89%LTV fee 2.5% rental 100% of Pay Rate

6.39% fixed for 5 years Fee £1499.00 Rental 100% of Pay Rate

No Redemption penalty tie ins on any of the above

89%/90% LTV Also available

One Day bridging also available


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Guest MortgageBroker
As an incentive and reason for me to look at your deals, you could offer to give half of your very nice procuration fee up as a cash gift to me as a way of saying thank you for the business as other brokers i know do !(also with no broker fee)

What do you think John ?


I am a professional, and have worked in finance for 28years

I do not charge fees, work 24/7 and as I do not charge fees I derive my income from lenders fees I would not give anyone my fees as they get a really good deal already with no fees. I like you, need to be paid fairly Would you give somebody monies !! I have to pay for various services to run a company.training pass exams at my expense

I treat my clients fairly They are happy Cant see a Solicitor,Accountant or Archtect not charging you a fee and would they give yOu cash back i think not, so why should I who does not charge fees, as they ALL do When you buy a pint of milk inTescos, do you expect a cashback You have no arguement to answer !

I dont think you live in the real world

Have a NICE dAY




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Hi John

Didn't mean to "upset "you !!!!!!!!

But in answer to your questions - do i reinvest profits from my business ?....Yes around 90% of them !

Do i charge considerably less then others in my field ?....yes in 2/3 of my businesses !! rent i charge more than others but give far superior quality accom and service - so i guess pound for pound better value !

Do i have a different pricing structure for "larger" customers ? ....yes (cheaper for regular big spenders!)

I use 2 Mortgage brokers whi both HAPPILY give £100 per successful referal - i actually dont "claim "this although i do pass a serious amount of business their way !!! (they also send me a lot of customers)

And solicitors - yes std fee is around £500 for conveyance - because we(my associates and i ) give him volume business we pay less than half of that ....

On a pint of milk ..no i would not expect a cash back...... but on £200k worth of milk (or house-Loan ) You bet i would !

I in fact did a nice deal with my local tesco store on a 2 pallets of bathroom cabinets and, yes, i had them half price !!

Accountant - is invoice negotiable ...well yes ...every everytime !!

Architect ...negotiable ...you bet every time.......

Bank loans, credit limits and probably just about everything is negotiable

As a former milkman at the end of my - if milk was on date ...i used to sell it half price to customers - extra business and no losses !!!

At proc rates of around .5% thats £800 - £1000 for most of my loans - I think their is plenty of room for negotiation !!!!

I agree that i dont live in your world ........but as for real ..it dont get much more real !!!!!!


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Hi John

Didn't mean to "upset "you !!!!!!!!

But in answer to your questions - do i reinvest profits from my business ?....Yes around 90% of them !

Do i charge considerably less then others in my field ?....yes in 2/3 of my businesses !! rent i charge more than others but give far superior quality accom and service - so i guess pound for pound better value !

Do i have a different pricing structure for "larger" customers ? ....yes (cheaper for regular big spenders!)

I use 2 Mortgage brokers whi both HAPPILY give £100 per successful referal - i actually dont "claim "this although i do pass a serious amount of business their way !!! (they also send me a lot of customers)

And solicitors - yes std fee is around £500 for conveyance - because we(my associates and i ) give him volume business we pay less than half of that ....

On a pint of milk ..no i would not expect a cash back...... but on £200k worth of milk (or house-Loan ) You bet i would !

I in fact did a nice deal with my local tesco store on a 2 pallets of bathroom cabinets and, yes, i had them half price !!

Accountant - is invoice negotiable ...well yes ...every everytime !!

Architect ...negotiable ...you bet every time.......

Bank loans, credit limits and probably just about everything is negotiable

As a former milkman at the end of my - if milk was on date ...i used to sell it half price to customers - extra business and no losses !!!

At proc rates of around .5% thats £800 - £1000 for most of my loans - I think their is plenty of room for negotiation !!!!

I agree that i dont live in your world ........but as for real ..it dont get much more real !!!!!!


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I'm with Rodent on this one John.

There are others offering such cashback schemes and some websites offering half the money back, so why not?

In my experience the mortgage broker gets 0.5% of the mortgage being taken out on average. Yet surely it usually takes the same amount of time to process each mortgage - you will get 500 pounds for a 100,000 pound mortgage and 1,000 pounds for a 200,000 mortgage, surely there is capacity in your work whereby the higher the mortgage, the more cashback could be given to the customer.

The "I don't charge fees" thing is a load of baloney, if you go direct you can usually get "cashback" from the bank/society if you ask since you haven't used a broker, and if they didn't pay you the product would be cheaper, i.e. lower setup fees.

The fact the lender pays you is irrelevant and I've got to admit, I don't like it, it is very open to misuse by FAs.

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Had exactly the same discussion with the estate agent selling my mothers property ......eventually he had nowhere to go but to agree !! and cut his fee in half !

Which all joking aside was fair ..

Mortgage fees and estate agent fees are both getting utterly ridiculous ...and " I'm only going to shaft you once instead of twice" doesn't sit well with me !!

The huge advantage these guys have is that the average punter first doesn't really understand what they are doing and secondly will probably only buy/sell refinance less than half a dozen times in a lifetime ... (and that's the savvy ones..!)

This means that they will never realise that they could have done it a cheaper way...

Well John you seemed to have sparked off a fresh debate !


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Guest MortgageBroker
Hi John

Didn't mean to "upset "you !!!!!!!!

But in answer to your questions - do i reinvest profits from my business ?....Yes around 90% of them !

Do i charge considerably less then others in my field ?....yes in 2/3 of my businesses !! rent i charge more than others but give far superior quality accom and service - so i guess pound for pound better value !

Do i have a different pricing structure for "larger" customers ? ....yes (cheaper for regular big spenders!)

I use 2 Mortgage brokers whi both HAPPILY give £100 per successful referal - i actually dont "claim "this although i do pass a serious amount of business their way !!! (they also send me a lot of customers)

And solicitors - yes std fee is around £500 for conveyance - because we(my associates and i ) give him volume business we pay less than half of that ....

On a pint of milk ..no i would not expect a cash back...... but on £200k worth of milk (or house-Loan ) You bet i would !

I in fact did a nice deal with my local tesco store on a 2 pallets of bathroom cabinets and, yes, i had them half price !!

Accountant - is invoice negotiable ...well yes ...every everytime !!

Architect ...negotiable ...you bet every time.......

Bank loans, credit limits and probably just about everything is negotiable

As a former milkman at the end of my - if milk was on date ...i used to sell it half price to customers - extra business and no losses !!!

At proc rates of around .5% thats £800 - £1000 for most of my loans - I think their is plenty of room for negotiation !!!!

I agree that i dont live in your world ........but as for real ..it dont get much more real !!!!!!


You need to get out more



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Guest MortgageBroker
Hi John

Not your average "wet behind the ears" clients in here !!!!


Did not think you had ears You certainly aint average My clients are mostly high net worth



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