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Illegal or not?


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Dear all,

I have had the pleasure :) of obtaining a court order for possession of my property under section 8 & 21, this order expired on the 21st of August, I attended the property on the 22nd of August and amongst many things the tenant stated "I'm not leaving until the baillifs come, I'm not paying the arrears or your cost as I have no money" as you can imagine words can not express what I was thinking standing at the doorstep of what was my home, listening to this f****** b****. telling me her rights.

Anyway, I have searched high and low on this forum and the net, to find out if I attended the property , whilst she was at work, could I remove my furniture or better still move someone in and change the locks or even just change the locks, or does the law require that I MUST get a possession warrant from the court, it would appear a grey area, as what could the tennat do? My only concern is that I CAN NOT BE ARRESSTED as I am a government employee and could face dismissal!!!

So suggestions and experience would be welcomed! :blink:

P.S Rodent;Debt Collector is on her case.



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If they are still in residence after the date of the possesion order and will not leave you need to instruct the court balifs to get you possesion of your proprty. this is usualy straight forward as you already have the possesion order there will be addtional costs for this and it will give tennant a few more weeks as it takes a while to sort out. Going in before this leaves you open to harasment, ileal iviction charges etc . Sounds like they are trying for a bit more time I would recomend to do this straight away so as to get property back asap

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You've come this far down this route so get court bailiffs (approx 2 weeks ...I believe..they are supposed to hand you vacant possession b4 the they leave the premisis ..?)

But if you attend the prop and find it empty ...other than possessions then i personally think it is fair to asssume thhat they have left the prop ..and any possessions can be considered abandoned and treated accordingly ??>>>>.......!!!

In which case it would be prudent to remove such articles and change locks -- if not move new tenants in ......


As for the conversation re "waiting for bailiffs" ......are you sre you weren't mistaken and what they actually said was that they were leaving that day ............??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Hi all,

Lavy - Bailiffs instructed same day as visit, at a lovely cost of £95 with at least four week wait due to the "courts incompatible computer systems in Surrey"...so they say!!

GPEL - Totally prepared for Police attendence....I can't understand how a mother would put her two teenage children through this!!! Bring it on.

Rodent - I hear what your saying and take great heed. Thank you


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