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False References


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Where do you stand if your tenant has given you false references on the application form, such as:

Claiming to be living with parents when actually they were renting & were in the process of being evicted....

NonSmokers & no pets when actually they're smokers with a similar amount of pets to Noahs Ark?

Also, what comeback do you have on the LA, after demanding (too late now now I know!) to see both their application forms/credit check, etc I have discovered that this information given is full of holes and doesn't add up and yet no questions were asked......before handing over the keys!

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If the tenants provided false information and managed to get through references based on supplied information, the agent has no liability as the information was taken and checked in good faith. You would need to look at grounds for eviction. However, if the agent was negligent in the handling of the application process, you may have grounds for damages, including the cost of eviction.

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