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Agent/Contract query

Paul R

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I recently rented one of my houses out and used an agents 'introduction service'. So basically, they found the tennants, sorted the contracts and inventory and set up the direct debit for a one off fee.

Now they sorted everything out when I was on holiday including contracts.

This is the situation:

I agreed on the phone with the agent that the rent would be reduced by £25 until the central heating was replaced in the property(as it failed the gas inspection) and then it would go back up to the full amount of £475.

I have only just received the contracts from the agent and they have put down £450 on the contract as the rent for the whole 12 months. they should have put an additional deed on the contract stating the rent would be reduced until the heating was sorted.

Also they have my name wrong all the way through the contract - They have told me that it is still a legally binding contract - is this true, even though I never signed it (signed by agent on my behalf) and they said they wont renew the contract. I'm worried about this in case there is any trouble with the tennants and something comes back on me.

I've sent a letter to the MD of the letting agency stating that i'm going to lose £250 because of their mistake...

Anyone have any problems similar to this? Can anyone ofer advice?



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Wow, I think renting out a property which fails the gas test is very risky. Has the faulty heating / boiler system been capped off, i.e. not being used at all? If it's being used you could face prison???? And if it's not being used what is the tenant doing for hot water/heating.

How long a period will the heating not be working? With all the hassle and upheave of changing the central heating system £25 doesn't sound a lot of a deduction:-)

More details needed I think to get a true picture.

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Wow, I think renting out a property which fails the gas test is very risky. Has the faulty heating / boiler system been capped off, i.e. not being used at all? If it's being used you could face prison???? And if it's not being used what is the tenant doing for hot water/heating.

How long a period will the heating not be working? With all the hassle and upheave of changing the central heating system £25 doesn't sound a lot of a deduction:-)

More details needed I think to get a true picture.


Dont panic lol.........The central heating system was condemned, capped off and a safety certificate issued with a corgi registered installer :huh: . The immersion heater is working OK and I have supplied the tennants with heaters etc. So I'm covered.

The new central heating system is now installed with a certificate for the gas and electricity - but as the agent cocked up the contract, I'm not getting the normal rent. I know it's not much money - but £250 quid a year should have been in my pocket, but because of thr agent, I've lost it - and the central heating cost me 1900 on top of that!


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Haha......panick over.

So it is more of a common query regarding Letting Agent cock-up. Sorry don't use Letting Agents as don't think they would do as good a job as one could do on their own.

I feel it would not be fair on the tenants to have their rent increased though, as the letting agent probably mis-sold it. So the only way I see this being resolved is via the letting agent, if you have documentation and letters you may be able to persuade the letting agent to pay you the money.....If they don't, take them to the small claims court! You would need all the corresponance and I would have thought it wouldn't be worth it.

I take it the LA signed the TA on your behalf? I imagine there could be lots of these cases, so hopefully someone who's been through it can advise you.

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Haha......panick over.

So it is more of a common query regarding Letting Agent cock-up. Sorry don't use Letting Agents as don't think they would do as good a job as one could do on their own.

I feel it would not be fair on the tenants to have their rent increased though, as the letting agent probably mis-sold it. So the only way I see this being resolved is via the letting agent, if you have documentation and letters you may be able to persuade the letting agent to pay you the money.....If they don't, take them to the small claims court! You would need all the corresponance and I would have thought it wouldn't be worth it.

I take it the LA signed the TA on your behalf? I imagine there could be lots of these cases, so hopefully someone who's been through it can advise you.


Yeah, they signed it on my behalf. All I want is some recognition that the agent messed up and i'd like my £250 as well as it's totally their fault.

I'll be doing all my letting myself from now on. Anyone got a good generic contract i can have a word copy of?



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