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hi put this post inthe wrong forum

any info on bonds i am trying to get back the bond money from the agent who let my property'

he says he has not received notification from the tenant.

the tenant cut short her tenancy so i could heve the bond as payment.

what would happen to the bond say a tenant did a runner &did not give notification?

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thanks for a reply

this housing agent is holding the bond.

believe tenant sent him a fax (found out today)to state that i had to get the bond but its a long time coming.

the agent advertised for tenants for me ,but i said would manage the property mself.

as i said before what would happen to the bond if a tenant left without notification

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If LA only did T find service, I personally would not have allowed LA to hold Bond - I would insist that the bond is handed over immediately.

If Bond is in TDS scheme you will need to put a full claim on it with T written agreement.

If T leaves without notification then there are various outcomes depending on whether T agrees to let you have bond, how far into tenancy it is and where/who is holding bond -

If T agrees to let you have it (in writing) then it is fairly straight forward.

If bond is protected and T refuses to co operate then you will have to either settle dispute through mediation/court or if T "disappeared then ake a "single" claim which may or may not get protracted........

My advice - ALWAYS hold on to the bond yourself and use the insurance scheme - it costs £58 to set up and will cost £30 per bond to protect.

Here is a nice story for you ......

A friend of mine took on some tenants recently , 6 weeks after they "moved in " the rent was late (only 2 days!) so he called round to chase it up .....to cut a long story short he found his house had been turned into a cannabis factory ......

Now had the good sense to have taken 2 months up front(first and last month) also a Bond

The Bond was fairly large --£1500 he also had the sense to "keep it" and use the insurance scheme to protect it !

The police destroyed around 600 plants and removed the equipment The "tenants" have not been seen since!!!

Now the point if this story is that he HAD the bond in his possession - If it were in the custodial scheme i have no idea just how much hassle would be involved in getting it back or how long !! was it worth stumping up £30 ..............YOU BET!


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If LA only did T find service, I personally would not have allowed LA to hold Bond - I would insist that the bond is handed over immediately.

If Bond is in TDS scheme you will need to put a full claim on it with T written agreement.

If T leaves without notification then there are various outcomes depending on whether T agrees to let you have bond, how far into tenancy it is and where/who is holding bond -

If T agrees to let you have it (in writing) then it is fairly straight forward.

If bond is protected and T refuses to co operate then you will have to either settle dispute through mediation/court or if T "disappeared then ake a "single" claim which may or may not get protracted........

My advice - ALWAYS hold on to the bond yourself and use the insurance scheme - it costs £58 to set up and will cost £30 per bond to protect.

Here is a nice story for you ......

A friend of mine took on some tenants recently , 6 weeks after they "moved in " the rent was late (only 2 days!) so he called round to chase it up .....to cut a long story short he found his house had been turned into a cannabis factory ......

Now had the good sense to have taken 2 months up front(first and last month) also a Bond

The Bond was fairly large --£1500 he also had the sense to "keep it" and use the insurance scheme to protect it !

The police destroyed around 600 plants and removed the equipment The "tenants" have not been seen since!!!

Now the point if this story is that he HAD the bond in his possession - If it were in the custodial scheme i have no idea just how much hassle would be involved in getting it back or how long !! was it worth stumping up £30 ..............YOU BET!


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thankyou for your helpful advice

still not received bond back from letting agent,have been informed by him that he as another tenant me.

going to do as you say & insist on keeping the bond.

maybe have to get back to you for more advice

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Can we have a little vote on the best way for a tenants deposit's to be held and who the companies are, obviously I would like to know for myself but I'm sure everyone will eventually have to look at it.

Just to add I'm thinking the 'insurance' scheme looks best because the tenant and the landlord need to agree to get a deposit back from a 'deposit scheme'.


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