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Hi allnewbie here so sorry if i waffle!!i have a tenant who has not paid the rent and i have served the correct NSP which expires next week. I cannot get hold of her by phone and she has not contacted me at all for months and i am not sure if she will go next week. She also changed the locks against the terms of the T/A and so what do i do next week when the notice runs out?If i go there and she is in she NEVER ansers the door so do i assume that she has left if she dont open the door???? or what is the correct procedure? Can i get a locksmith to change the lock if she does not answer or if she does not contact me and is not in next week do i have to go to court to get the property back or do i just go in and change the locks?? What is the legal way to do it as this is a first for me!thanks a lot for any advicexxmindy

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Hi Mindy,

It's Kieran from Residential Landlord, I have spoke to one of the solicitors on our site Pain Smith, if you want to contact Jason on 01420-565-310 he said he will talk you through what to do next.

Hope this helps,



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