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Concrete Structure


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Obviously very cheap, £160,000 instead of probably £230,000 to £250,000.

However, I'm guessing the normal deposit of 15% would not be enough, anybody done this before and got a mortgage with a deposit of 15% or less?

Also is there a high chance of structural problems in future?

Looking to rent out for approx £1,850 per month on room by room basis, so maths look good, but may not have big enough deposit and interest rate may be affected significantly.


Thanks in advance,


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Ha ha,

Bit rushed as at work.

3 bed house concrete structure and flat roof, work of art? Possibly. loads of the same in the area mainly let to students.

But decided against it anyhow now, but interested in opinions for future all the same.

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Hi Mat

Dont really see an issue with the "concrete" but flat roof is always a reason for concern -but at nearly 14% return on paper thats pretty good if not brilliant !

Begs the question - why is it so much cheaper (ref230k-250k)

If it does need a roof there is enough intrinsic profit in there to cover it with miles to spare!

so what is wrong with it



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Thanks for the comments

Not facing towards the sea, don't think has long thin windows.

I got it wrong, it wasn't as big as I first thought so would probably only get £1,500 per month, so now comparible with other options, which makes me think it's not worth the extra hassle.

I am looking at it on HMO basis so returns are better anyhow, I always try and aim to get 10% at least, but tough to get much more than that these days where I live.


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You may wish to get an indicative quote for the buildings insurance as insurers seem to want to have these kind of risks (non-standard construction) referred to them. You may find that the premium loaded. Better to find out prior to purchasing the property.

We can offer a quotation but always best to shop around.


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