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Nuisance/Anti-Social Tenants


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Typical isn't it finally get a good rent on a property, paid on time and the tenant (or his friends) turn out to be maniacs.

The residents are complaining to my agents, the management company too. And of course, I am slightly concerned for the state of my flat. Residents have spoken about smoking (against lease), dagga, noisy partying, violent verbal exchanges and police being called a few times.

My agent advised serving sect. 21, which we have done, but is that all we can do. There is no break clause in the tenancy agreement, although they obviously are in breach of the AST and the headlease.

I know how to deal with a tenant who can't pay, but really this landlord stuff is not easy, what to do with one who can't behave?! Any ideas?

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Did your letting agent suggest you take out a Landlords Legal Expenses policy? This is available from a number of companies for a reasonable price and if the tenant is in breach of the Tenancy Agreement you just make a claim and let the insurer deal with the matter through their specialist lawyers. Perhaps something to consider when putting in the next tenant.


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Typical isn't it finally get a good rent on a property, paid on time and the tenant (or his friends) turn out to be maniacs.

The residents are complaining to my agents, the management company too. And of course, I am slightly concerned for the state of my flat. Residents have spoken about smoking (against lease), dagga, noisy partying, violent verbal exchanges and police being called a few times.

My agent advised serving sect. 21, which we have done, but is that all we can do. There is no break clause in the tenancy agreement, although they obviously are in breach of the AST and the headlease.

I know how to deal with a tenant who can't pay, but really this landlord stuff is not easy, what to do with one who can't behave?! Any ideas?

I've got a feeling that this is all you can do. In the mean time ask the agent to contact the complaining residents and get them to report these tenants to the environmental Health Department. Yes you've only got 2 months to wait but this may very well keep the tenant a bit quieter for this time.

Why not also write a letter to the tenant and explain the situation, possibly suggesting that they Do NOT want a poor reference when they find their new place, and that you may be forced to do this if the complaints keep coming in.

Actually I think if you have a fully managed agreement with your LA then get them to do it, surely that's what you pay them for isn't it? :)

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If they are youngsters and you have their parents address you could do what a Landlord friend of mine did for his Tenant' neighbours

"somehow" the neighbours acuired the tenants (students) home telephone numbers - everytime they were woken by the noisy students they would ring their parents - yes at 2/3 and 4 o'clock in the mornig - "just to say that their darling offspring was yet again being completely unnreasonable with noise levels and had woken them again and they had to go to work a few hours later- even holding the phone to the wall so that parents could hear the reecket for themselves"

This resolved the problem inside 7 days ! How the neighbors got the tel no remains a mystery !!!..................NOT!


What to do - Speak to the Tenants and appeal to their better nature (if they have one) informing them that any reeat episodes will be greeted with a notice to leave - then if necessary serve relevent notice - depending on how long the ast has to run. Sympathise with neighbors and give them council noise pollution tel no. tell them to keep an accurate diary of events, grit your teeth and wait 2 montths til they are gone !

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If they are youngsters and you have their parents address you could do what a Landlord friend of mine did for his Tenant' neighbours

"somehow" the neighbours acuired the tenants (students) home telephone numbers - everytime they were woken by the noisy students they would ring their parents - yes at 2/3 and 4 o'clock in the mornig - "just to say that their darling offspring was yet again being completely unnreasonable with noise levels and had woken them again and they had to go to work a few hours later- even holding the phone to the wall so that parents could hear the reecket for themselves"

This resolved the problem inside 7 days ! How the neighbors got the tel no remains a mystery !!!..................NOT!


Dangerous advice this one Simon as the Tenants AND parents could have any Landlord up for harrassment.

I'd stick to the advice given toward the latter part of the post If I were in this situation.

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as the saying goes . . . .

Don't think i'd chance my arm on this though!!

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