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Is it worth it


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Had a tenant who signed up for 6 months, company gauranteed 6 months of rent and then after 3 months the tenant left but paid while he was there. No damage nothing, but left me to find another tenant - the timing was wrong since the peak periods are normally around June/July and Jan/Feb. Couldnt get a replacement for 3 months despite going via 3 agents and privately online as well.

Is it worth chasing the company for the lost rent? They have categorically said they wont pay up so going to the small claims court is the only option.

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Simple ans - Invoice them for 3 months rent (less the bond- if you had or still, have the bond) give them 14 days to pay balance, if they dont inform them (in the same correspondance) that the matter will be passed to a debt collection agency and that their collection fees (15% +expenses) will be payable as well .

If you want a very efficent service call 01443 231354 Thornbury Debt Collection Services and speak to Peter or Tom - tell them that you got the no. from Simon at "Pine Dungeon" or check them out at


These guys are very good at their job.


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Yes, rodent is quite right, defaulters are just not scared of the law anymore, mention a debt collector and a bailiff and something twigs in their subconsciousness! The thought of ripped guys carting off their computers and leather suites does something to them, plus the debt is growing larger every day and is no longer in your control. That's bad news for anyone.

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