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Tenant Debts - Can I Pass On Their Contact Details


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Hi All,

My tenant did a runner just days before the bailiffs arrived to evict him, deliberately failing to leave a forwarding address. Prior to that, the Court had ordered that he pay my court costs but this he defaulted before absconding and the amount therefore remains outstanding. The bailiff enforcement order for recovering my costs is currently on hold until I can provide the enforcement officer with the tenant's new address. Apart from the money he owes me, the tenant left behind a mountain of debt and each week, threatening letters from debt collectors and creditors pour through the door.

I have now managed to obtain the tenant's new address. Does the law allow for me to pass on this information plus the tenant's mobile number to the court, debt collectors and creditors? Passing on the tenant's details to the court I have no problem with, as it's my money being recovered and besides the court instructed me to seek and provide that information to them to enable them enforce payment.

Any thoughts though on the debt collectors and creditors bit?

Thank you


I am considering m

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When you ask for a warrant of execution you can give further details such as new address information etc. However, be warned, the court bailiffs aren't the cleverest of people and, inspite of updated records, may still try and visit the old address. Make sure verbally they have acknowledged your update. They may ask for evidence that the new address is valid.

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To be honest and as pointed out earlier, I am not particularly concerned about the information passed on to the court bailiffs dealing with the recovery of my costs. My main focus is really on the private debt collectors and other creditors who continue to send threatening letters to my address as they seek the defaulting ex-tenant.

Again, my query is whether the law restricts me from passing to them, the tenant's new contact details.


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HI Hitman

My policy is simple with this - RECOVER YOUR MONEY FIRST then pass on the details to other agencies otherwise you are diluting the tenants ability to pay YOU and your chances of recovering YOUR MONEY- I had a female student tenant who owed me £1500 which i eventually recovered in one lump sum in cash from her mother , who took out a loan to cover it -

As soon as she had paid i passed her details to several debt collectors who were also looking for payment - Had i done this sooner I almost certainly would not have got my money as she had probebly another £2000 to find to cover them as well - So GET YOUR MONEY first!

I have a line in my lease that states that addresses will be forwarded to collection agencies if debt is outstanding at the property


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