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Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards - Response from Landlords

Tom Alves

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My name is Tom Alves, I am currently studying construction management at Anglia Ruskin University. As part of my final year I have to undertake a research project. I have chosen to do mine on the new Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards, and the updates to these standards that may be coming in to force in 2021. As part of my research, I would like to gain landlord's perspectives on the updates to standards that are currently under consultation, and how they might affect the viability of letting properties.

If there are any residential landlords that see this post and have approximately 5-10 minutes to spare, I would really appreciate if you could take part in my survey. I have posted a link to it below. I would like to make you aware that all answers that you provide are completely anonymised and no personal data will be taken when you take part. For more information on the research, your data and other aspects of the study, please refer to the Participant Information Sheet attached to the document.

Many thanks in advance.

The survey:


Participant Information Sheet:


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