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Requesting transfer up to high court enfircement


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I am in the process of trying to evict my tenants. They were served a sect21 back in April last year but have made no effort to move stating various excuses and are now trying to get a council property. I am attempting to deal with this myself through the court and have completed a N5B and N215. I have been advised that the bailiffs have a considerable backlog and to include a paragraph asking for it to be transferred up to the high court enforcement immediately to expedite matters.

a) Does anyone have any advice regarding this process?

b)Will a judge take any notice of an attached letter?


Apologies for spelling error in title!

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You need consent from a county court judge to apply to the High Court for an enforcer.

You should have asked the judge for this at the time of the S21 hearing or put it in writing. You could still make an application to the county court to ask but there will be a fee of £60 + waiting time then there will be the fee to the High Court + waiting time (and that is if you get the consent to approach them.) The judge could refuse you permission.

The HCE charges a basic fee + more depending on the value of the debt - least you are likely to get away with paying out is £500 but this could be added to the debt of the tenant.

Personally I would wait for the county court bailiff.

Since ' the bailiffs are coming' TV prog the general public think it is easy to get the enforcer in - no it isn't and only high value cases go down this route.

I hope this helps.

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