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Hi everyone.

I`ve issued a section 21 on a tenant and for the first time it looks like it will go to court normally they get out before it gets that far. Now I`ve waited the 2 months filled out court papers taken them, copy of section 21, ast and the £150 to the court office. This is now new territree (i know its spelt wrong) for me, what happens now and how long can it take.????????????

any comments would be welcome thanks

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The hearing date will be set, time depending on which court, could be up to six weeks away. He has a defence, and the one which usually works for them would be a faulty S21. Why has a court hearing been set?

Save your self some time. Find out if the S21 is faulty, through evicthem or some one else, and if it is, issue a water tight one straight away, and by the time you get to court, if you win, fine, but if you don't, you can quickly go with the next S21 which you know is right.

This will save you time and money.


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The S21 is correct, to my knowledge they dont have a defence. But to get the s21 inforced my understanding was to take it to the court office with payment + compleated N5 form etc and it would be a formality to get granted possession. (if they then dont move out you then go to phase 2 balifts)

have i missed something??????

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  • 2 weeks later...
If you check the HMCS online service guidance, all is explained. Takes the guesswork out of it.


Ive now had s21 checked again and it is ok. There is a hearing cos when court papers were filled out it asked for any more info that might be relevate and in my wisdom i put down that it was to be my main home now which it may be. The tenant is desputing that fact under ground 1 of housing act.

but I`m not applying for posession on ground 1, I`m seeking posesion on the accelerated posession process

I have not issued a section 8

any advice on what happens and what to do in court would be very helpful

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Iwant to thank everyone for their usefull coments.

Just to let you know i had the hearing and the judge granted possesion in 14 days and all the tenants objections were shot down in flames.

I know the tentant wont move out in 2 weeks but wot is the procedure? do i go round there to check in 2 weeks time? how can i tell if they have moved out without going in? if they are there is that when i apply for baliff/locksmith police presents etc.

once again thanks

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