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Everything posted by neversure

  1. But, your tenants are responsible for looking after your property and if damage is caused to it.....which is clear in this case (gas box + garage door) its entirely reasonable to expect them to report this to i) the police ii) your agents. Seems they haven't done either of these......why not ? It rather suggests they don't understand their responsibilities....... In your shoes I might be thinking that its time for them to depart. Hello Richlist, Thanks for your reply. my house is one of four, two pairs of semi detached houses, with their own private drive, each house with it's own drive off of it. Mine is the second house in. The neighbour in the third house buys and sells on ebay. So yes she does have deliveries. I have never seen anwone do a reverse turn out of the main drive, it is only 30mts long an it is much easier to reverse out of. They reverse on to a very quiet road which is part of The Close. I have the same thoughts. I certainly would have expected them to report it to the Agent. They didn't and yes it would have been reasnoable for them to report it to the Police. They didn't. The words I used to the agent were. This doesn't bode well for the future. As I am still waiting for a reply from them I think it is time for a wake up call. Cheers Keith
  2. can not open my settings
  3. Hello Melby, I was in the trade, same as your son. I understand the problem Such is. Cheers Keith
  4. Hi Mortitia, It is a drop down door. Door and bottom section of box smashed beyond repair. Cheers keith
  5. Hello, I am trying to upload some pics of the meter box. No success so far. I have clicked on the Image Icon. It is asing mage properties URL? keith
  6. Hello Richlist, Thanks for your reply. 1: I have photos (taken by agent) That clearly show the box was driven into most probably reversed. On one of the photo's it shows damage to the garage door, most certainly caused at the same time. I have emai neighbours either side. One response so far. They didn't see anything. They have asked the tenants about what happened. They have no knowledge about it? Neighbour tells me they have two vehicles car and van and as she sees it they must have been reversed into. I have taken on board your other points... To be followed up. Sorry If I seem a bit vague on this as I am out of the Country at the moment. So need to rely on agent. Cheers Keith
  7. Hi Dave, It was a plumbing Issue. Nothing that would require him going to the gas meter. Keith
  8. Hello this is my first topic. I have done a check to see if this question has come up before. But couldn't find it. I rent out a house ussing an agent, but they seem to be slow reacting to a recent problem. A plumber that I sent to the property to carry out repairs reported back to me that the gas meter box on the front drive was damaged beyond repair. I contacted the agents their first reply was that it was down to me to pay for a new one. They say they are now looking into it? On the inventory photos taken the day before new tenants clearly show the box in good condition. They are denying all knowledge as to how it was broken. So what I am asking is does anyone know how I stand legally with this. Thanks for any help. Keith
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