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Private Tenant lost job and needs to housing benefit


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I agree!!!

Yep good referencing certainly will screen out the vast majority of bed /bad debtors etc

Which is why hopefully most of us wont need to use "my" guys ?? (including me!)

You seem to answer topics where you feel the issue will make you look knowledgable. You very often say, "yes I agree BUT . . . " (i'd do it THIS WAY, so you are wrong)

take the bits you like ..leave the bits you dont (no offence intended!) Rare that i disagree with people, just like to point out that there is more than one way to skin every cat ..and discuss the relative merits of each way....


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"Rare that i disagree with people"

Must be JUST me then!!!! my mistake, DON'T make me hunt the posts I really don't have the time!!

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