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Bankruptcy and renting


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Hi, my husband and I faced a horrible year last year as he experienced two periods of unemployment. As I work part-time, it was impossible to keep up the repayments on our mortgage etc. Unfortunately, this year, I had no option but to go bankrupt. My husband isn't bankrupt. We have one child and two pets. We're struggling to find a landlord willing to take us on obviously because of our situation. The strange thing is, we're prepared to give up our home as we're paying over £1000 a month for it, and to rent will give us quite a bit of disposable income. We can provide a guarantor. We're just a normal working family needing a new home. We understand the difficulties landlords have with people in our situation, but we just wish someone would appreciate and understand ours. We just don't know what to do. Any ideas?

We're looking to rent in the Dover/Folkestone/Hawkinge/Capel area.

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you can apply to the local authority under the homelessness legislation. You have a child so you will be in priority need. The L.A will investigate your application and decide if you are deemed to be homeless under the law. They must take affordability into account. A person is legally homeless for a number of reasons one is if they cannot continue to live in a property if it so strains their resources that they go without the necessary items should as food, clothing etc.,. The L.A will assess whether you have caused the homlessness your self. i.e did you make your self homeless intentionally. For example when you took out the mortgage was it unafforadble from the outset. Even if you are found intentionally homless the L.A will still have duties towards you. You should seek advice from your local CAB about making a homeless application

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