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Moth damage tips


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Incidents of moth infestations have been making a steady and noticeable increase in recent times, most markedly in city centres. A rise in climate temperature and a move towards a preference for natural fibres being worn are considered major factors. It is currently estimated that 1.5 million households in the UK suffer from moth damage, ranging from moth larvae in rugs, holes in your jumpers, worry about wool carpets to food moths in kitchen cupboards.mad.gif

Holes in your garments are a strong indication that clothing moths are present within your home. The moths themselves are rarely seen. The clothes moths larvae feed on keratin protein, which is found in natural fibres including silk, leather, wool and cashmere. Unfortunately, this usually results in your most expensive and precious itemsof clothing being ruined.

Here are some tips to help you remove thesource of the problem, and prevent further clothing damage:

1) Empty your affected drawers and cupboards and thoroughly vacuum the entire area, making sure you get into all the nooks and crannies, and also vacuum the surrounding carpets and skirting boards in the room to ensure that all the larvae has been removed.

2) Thoroughly clean all the clothing that has been in the affected area.

3) Spray the cupboards, wardrobes and drawers to kill all the eggs and larvae that are present and causing the damage.

4) Use moth repellents and deterrents that either chemically or naturally deter them, depending on your preference. Cedar wood is a popular choice, and a wide range of products such as moth balls are available. Additional storage such as protective bags for expensive garments may also be considered.

5) Install moth traps in the affected areas to monitor the presence of adult moths and to break the breeding cycle. Remember to replace your deterrents on a regular basis, two to four times per year, and this shouldresult in a moth-free environment.smile.gif

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