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Section 21, tenant hasn't moved out.


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Hi All,  

It's been a long time since I posted on here, hope you are all doing well.

I've had a tenant in a property since October last year and its been a cat and mouse game to get him to pay rent. He is currently 4 months in arrears.

The AST ended and I seved a Section 21 in October, today was the last day.

I had told the tenant I'd come over to collect the keys, but as expected he's told me he can't move out as he's got nowhere to go, I do feel for the guy but I've had every excuse under the sun over the last year and would sooner  have him out and find someone else.

He's been in touch with the council as I had a reference form off them a few weeks ago.

I believe he's currently on UC but I don't think his claim is through.

In the 20 years I've been renting out property I've never had to deal with a tenant that wont move out.

Any pointers would be much appreciated.



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He may be keeping any UC he is getting so apply to get it (if any) paid directly to you.


Before you served the S21 did you make sure the tenant had the latest

  1. How to rent guide. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/how-to-rent
  2. Gas Safety cert
  3. Prescribed info re deposit
  4. EPC

If not any court action will likely fail.

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1 hour ago, Grampa said:

He may be keeping any UC he is getting so apply to get it (if any) paid directly to you.


Before you served the S21 did you make sure the tenant had the latest

  1. How to rent guide. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/how-to-rent
  2. Gas Safety cert
  3. Prescribed info re deposit
  4. EPC

If not any court action will likely fail.

I'll look into getting the UC paid to me. I'd sooner have him out tbh tho. 

Yeah they were left when he took the property, I also enclosed copies with the section 21.

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