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Rent increases


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I am a new member. We have 1 property which has been rented out for a couple of years.

We used a downloaded AST form but it does not refer to any future rent increase . We have not been too worried about increasing the rent for the past couple of years but have been wondering what would be the best method of telling the tenant we may want a small increase every 2 years or so if they become long-term tenants.

Or can we not increase the rent if there is nothing agreed in the AST agreement form?

Thanks for any advice

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So long as there is nothing in the agreement to the contrary then you can increase the rent by mutual agreement or once every 52 weeks on a statutory periodic tenancy by the process outlined in section 13 of the 1988 Housing Act.

  • Specific notice must be used
  • A minimum of 1 months notice
  • Increase must take effect at start of tenancy period
  • Tenant has right to appeal to first tier tribunal

Process is slightly different for properties in Wales.

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